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(VIDEO) Feministice u borbi za prekid života nerođenog djeteta u Meksiku zapalile vrata katedrale

U koordinaciji sa svjetskim organizacijama za pobačaj, feministice su u Meksiku zapalile katoličku katedralu tijekom prosvjeda.

Uz to što su uz pomoć “pištolja na benzin” zapalili crkvu, također su je išarali prostačkim grafitima. Među grafitima su se našli natpisi poput “moje tijelo”, “legalni abortus” i “bog je žena”, piše

Stotine maskiranih feministkinja u ponedjeljak 30. rujna, odjevenih u crno marširalo je uz transparent kojim zahtijevaju ukidanje prava na život nerođenog djeteta te LGBTQ prava u Meksiko Cityju. Kamere se su snimile kako su feministice uz uništavanje katedrale također uništili autobusna stajališta, oštetili privatnu i javnu imovinu te napadale novinare i policajce.

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

Abortion rights activists try to burn #MexicoCity cathedral. They were using water guns filled with petrol to spread the fire. Demons at work! Amid a demonstration Saturday urging the legalisation of #abortion, activists tried to set fire to the Mexico City Metropolitan #Cathedral. In response to the Sept. 28 arson attempt, #Catholics gathered before the front doors of the cathedral. Mauricio Alfonso Guitar, deputy head of the Cristera National Guard in #Mexico City, told CNA’s Spanish language sister agency ACI Prensa that “thanks to the denunciations in Catholics’ social networks, offering to defend the churches, the government … sent #police to defend them.” ACI Prensa reported that #firefighters acted quickly to prevent the fire from spreading, and police acted to prevent further acts of aggression by the abortion rights activists. Story @aciprensa UPDATE: Turns out the original news story associated this video incorrectly with the attack on the cathedral. This video is of the attack on a local bank by the same abortion rights activists that attacked the Cathedral. Thank you to those followers who brought this to our attention. #catholic #catholics #católico #katolik #Católica #katholische #catholicism #catholicchurch #church #christian #christians #christianity #christ #jesus #jesuschrist #religion #onassignment #christianchurch #romancatholic #romancatholicchurch #faith #proudcatholic #bible #catholicimagery

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Kad su feministice zapalile vatru na ulaznim vratima katedrale, vatrogasci su uspjeli ugasiti plamen i spriječiti njegovo širenje.

Policija i pripadnici Guardia Cristera Nacional, skupine katolika koji su posvećeni Djevici Guadalupskoj, formirali su miran ljudski kordon kako bi spriječili feminističke nasilnice da uđu u katedralu s ciljem njenog uništavanja, javlja Life Site News.

Diljem grada, katolici su formirali kordone kako bi zaštitili crkve od mogućeg paljenja.

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